Vicki Lewis Thompson Author Talk Interview #10

She’s been with Regis and Kelly, now she’s with us!

Gena and I would like to honor Vicki Lewis Thompson, winner of the Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award, with this interview – we even have a special guest.


Filed under Author Interviews

18 responses to “Vicki Lewis Thompson Author Talk Interview #10

  1. Ann M.

    LOL… I loved it. I’ve given the link out to friends and told them they have to watch the WHOLE piece even the credits.

  2. Jen

    OMG!!!! That was brilliant! I was rolling on the floor laughing.
    How did you EVER have the balls to say that stuff to Nora?

  3. *dying*

    Just. Freakin. Brilliant.

  4. ROFLMAO! Both of these women (and I’m talking about Nora and Vicki) have such wonderful senses of humor. Thank you for starting my day off with a chuckle.

  5. Ummm, Jill and Gena are pretty good too! LOL

  6. I LOVE IT! Great job, and your camera woman is amazing!

  7. Well now, apart from a bit of shoddy directing and bad acting from the Nora Roberts stand in I thought that was a great piece of journalistic excellence in the field of romantic intelligence quotient.
    How did you get those women away from the crowds long enough to film that is my question of the week.

  8. I agree with Candy…awesome camera work. Too bad you couldn’t get the real Nora Roberts to appear. That would have made this the best AT ever. Oh well.

  9. Shawn

    Too funny! And VLT and Nora were great sports :). Nice camerawork, KK.

  10. OK, I think I can breathe now. The camera work and lighting were especially great. Good job with the Nora actress. I actually thought she was pretty convincing.

    You guys are so funny!

  11. Pingback: Vicki Lewis Thompson Behind The Scenes « Where Authors Talk To Other Authors

  12. You guys are a frickin’ frakking hoot!

  13. Nora has excellent comedic timing, doesn’t she?

    “I don’t wear nametags.” (drops chin and gives Gena “the look”)

  14. Oh, Thanks! Really funny. Greets.

  15. Pingback: Nora Roberts Behind The Scenes « Where Authors Talk To Other Authors

  16. Dev

    This has to be my favorite Author Talk to date! I loved it!

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